GDMBR #13: Colorado and HOME!

Porter is so done! We’re  home from our Great Divide Mountain Bike Route adventure, after 2,700 miles through five states and two Canadian provinces; 82 days; 41 hotels, cabins, and campsites; four sets of tires; more glasses of wine than we care to disclose, and a lot of ice cream cones! 

The final 701 miles of Colorado were challenging–afternoon thunderstorms and the biggest mountains to bike over, here the highest point, Indiana Pass at 11,910 feet on Grayback Mountain in the San Juans.

This has been above all a journey to discover new strengths in ourselves, and to open to what we’re called to be in the world now. For me, it’s been dropping from the mind into the heart. 

“I am so pumped,” Amber told Porter as he topped off his tires one last time. “I’m ready to go home and open to the turmoil in the world.”

Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for following our journey with such enthusiasm and love. Love back atcha on your own journeys. 


45 comments on “GDMBR #13: Colorado and HOME!

  1. CONGRATULATIONS Porter, Gail & Amber!!! Love that list of stats. Let me know when and where your next adventure starts. I’m going to really miss you three adventurers.
    Ina Sue

    ps – Alan (Frost) should be closing in on the northern terminus of the CDT in several days with his hiking buddy, Joe (HazNoHorse). No problem with fires or trail closures as far as I know.

    • Ina, very happy to hear that Frost will be closing in on the CDT’s northern terminus soon with HazNoHorse! We’ll keep up our best vibes for no fires or trail closures. Thanks for your continuing interest in our blog–Porter, Amber, and I love staying in touch with you and will be sure to keep you posted.

  2. Congratulations on another epic achievement, and thank you, Gail, for keeping us informed. Now take some time to relax and enjoy. Best wishes to you both (and Amber).

  3. Thank you for letting us share your journey. I so enjoyed the pictures, comments, risks that were taken and reconciled. Welcome home.
    Kathleen Genereux

  4. This is a such a great accomplishment. I’m so impressed and awestruck with the planning, physical needs and mental focus that drove and guided you to the finish.
    Thank you for blogging so that I could follow along on the journey. You both are such an inspiration.
    Cheers to Porter and Gail!
    I’m glad all three of you are home safely. Amber can now rebond with her locals.

    • Tina, thank you so much, and thank you and your family for being such great friends and neighbors! We couldn’t have pulled this off without your neighborly help!

  5. Congratulations to both of you! You guys are truly amazing, inside and out! I hope coming back to reality isn’t too overwhelming. Be sure to get some rest and recovery. You both need it. Looking forward to seeing you guys. Take good care, and lots of hot baths! ? Pam

    • Pam, thank you, and we especially appreciate your advice, as our personal trainer, for rest, recovery, and hot baths! We’ll be in touch to see you soon. Hope all is well with you too!

    • Bill, thanks, and we’re thrilled to be home. Home is even more wonderful after a journey like that, we don’t take anything for granted! Hope all is great with you and your beautiful family!

    • Thanks, Philip, we’re so proud of you too, for doing such a great job at the beginning of your two-year fellowship at Wills! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  6. So wonderful that you were able to complete so much of it! Wow. I’ve really enjoyed following your journey.
    My spouse, Dennis, is still not fully mobile so our adventures are somewhat limited. So it’s great to live “vicariously”
    with your pictures and inspiring posts. More river, more mountains, more heart filled moments coming soon to a life near you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Ta Da and Congratulations!!! over and over and over again! One would think you three would be about ready for a tropical beach where you can swim with the local dolphins, lounge under a palapa, and guzzle fresh squeezed mango margaritas!

    If anything, you all look more gorgeous at the end than you did at the beginning.

    Love, love, HUGS.

  8. Doubt that, while you have returned to your Boulder home, you are really back. Such an all out effort must have brought irrevocable changes to you in every way, and all for growth that might take a while to ingest. Wonderful.

    • Marian, you’re so right. It reminds me of what was called the integration phase after a 3-month meditation retreat. It’s wonderful to be back home, though. Hope your summer continues to go well, and I look forward to seeing you at the BMW potluck if you’re there.

  9. I knew there was a reason I’m interested in learning more about you…You really are a “yes” kind of person, not to mention truly amazing! I just finished reading the entire blog and can hardly believe how difficult this journey was, yet the “3” of you pressed on.

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