Continental Divide Trail #9: Red Rocks to On the Rocks

Porter & Gail at Los Poblanos

One of our favorite things before Porter gets back on the trail is to have a festive dinner, as we did at Los Poblanos Inn and Organic Farm.





Porter hikes north from Los Pinos Trailhead north of Cuba, NM

The hardest thing for me to do is drop off Porter at a remote trailhead, knowing he’ll face challenges alone that neither of us can anticipate, from rain, snow, and wind to steep climbs, lack of water, and navigational dilemmas.

The second hardest thing is locating him for resupply out in the middle of nowhere, our maps and technology notwithstanding. I drove up and down one road, only to drive off as he was waving frantically behind me. We always manage to find each other, though.

red rock cliffs in No. NM

The stunning beauty of the Northern New Mexico landscape, such as the many red rock cliffs that Porter climbed, and the thrill of our inner journeys, makes the not-knowing more than worth it.


Amber had a busy time in Santa Fe, visiting the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, shopping for gifts for her friends (including the two pairs of earrings she models here), and knocking back a margarita on the rocks at Maria’s.

Amber & earrings at Cafe Pasqual








16 comments on “Continental Divide Trail #9: Red Rocks to On the Rocks

  1. You and Porter are a wonderful team; you connect in intuitive ways. A tender and knowing relationship -thank you for sharing it, in addition to this adventure. Love the earrings/star, rocking in Santa Fe, and Georgia O’Keeffe. Sending light and love to all of you!

    • What a challenge to find each other on your remote locations! Porter is amazing, and thank heavens for your support as well. I love the adventures of Amber as well. Santa Fe is a wonderful town, and I too, loved the museum, margarita’s and shopping opportunities there in the beautiful S Western New Mexico. Hope the weather isn’t putting a damper on your travels. All is well for us here-my hip is great, Del’s leg is healed and in ten days we’re off to the Bahama’s to celebrate our honeymoon a year after our marriage on 5/10/14. Life is certainly a roller-coaster, but I believe the “downs” help us to relish the “ups” even more-so. We’re all pulling for you two and hoping all is well. Take care and keep those posts and updates coming. Miss you! Sincerely, Andrea & Del

      • Happy Anniversary, Andrea, and I’m so glad you and Del are off soon to the Bahamas for a honeymoon! You are so right that the downs of life help us relish the ups even more! Glad your hip is healing so well.

  2. The titles of your posts are so clever! And you share very moving insights — I can understand the difficulty of leaving your loved in the remote areas!

    • Porter will appreciate that, Dean, I’ll pass along your comment to him as soon as he next comes out for resupply! Hope all is great with your own adventures!

  3. Dear Gail,

    Reading your posts is always so inspiring! It’s the closest I get to nature (other than my daily walk to the mailbox outside my front door), and the photos are always breathtakingly beautiful. Meanwhile, I’ve decided that Amber and I have a lot in common!

    Love to you both ( you and Porter, that is) —


  4. Thanks, Gail,
    I feel more connected to the trails when I read your posts. Soon I’ll drive over the Rockies, on to another kind of adventure and will eagerly await your posts.


    • Mary, your comment means so much to me. I deeply respect your own connection with nature and your wise sensibility and insights. And I look forward to hearing more about your new adventure! Big hugs, hand on heart.

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