29 comments on “The Hard Way to Make S’Mores

    • As long as I can restrain Porter from going into the mail-order s’mores biz. But if I can’t, you’re on the list!

  1. Gail,

    This made my day! So charming, so funny . . . so instructive. Porter may just have earned the “husband of the year” award for this and you? The “proud and supportive wife” award. I love this post!

    Melanie Mulhall

  2. ROFL. Well, not really, am still in my seat, but am laughing my head off. This is so not my camping/backpacking style. I prefer not cooking at all, mostly so I don’t have to wash any dishes. But backpacking s’mores, I see, are a lot of fun vicariously!

  3. Love the Beethoven, the expressions on your faces, the mess in the pot, and the delightful good humor of the Gail and Porter Comedy Camping Show. Makes me want to go camping just to have s’mores. They aren’t the same in one’s kitchen.

  4. Such fun! You both look so relaxed in the midst of such uncertainty. And it all turned out well. It’s a wonderful vignette…so poignant in its simplicity.

  5. Being a chocoholic it’s hard for to imagine that these wouldn’t taste fabulous … add to that backpacking and I would eat them morning, noon and night. What creativity! (Both you and Porter)

  6. Hilarious!
    When we camped in Australia for 7 weeks, our Aussie friends lent us an alcohol stove. My 17-year old son, who eats a LOT of food, was so frustrated with the extremely slow cooking over the alcohol burner (and its low temperatures) that he bought a new camp stove.
    On my last overnight climbing trip, we brought 4 bagels and four granola bars — for two people, 20 miles of hiking , and 1,000 feet of rock climbing. Needless to say, your camp food looks WAY better!

  7. You guys are so adorable!
    How often do you camp? I thought maybe you’d had enough of it after your brave tackle of the Pacific Coast Trail!

    • I know, you’d think we’d had enough after our Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike, but Porter is forever developing a more ultralight and elegant piece of gear, and I’m forever in search of a campsite with room service.

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