24 comments on “Happy Earth Day, Earthlings!

  1. Gail,

    Earth may not be our original point of origin, but it is one heckuva place to spend time in human form. The thing I love most about being in human form on this planet is having physical senses and the vast opportunity to use them on this outrageously beautiful, wildly varied place. Earth is truly a place for sensory junkies, and count me as one. Your video could serve as a marketing piece for those traveling through the cosmos to come to Earth for a visit.

    Melanie Mulhall

  2. The company of fellow travelers like you! (Also the stars, and the clouds, and the mountains, and low-hanging fog, and wild critters, and leaves changing colors, and the ocean and the weird little guys that live in it….and yummy yummy food fresh from the vine/dirt/branch….)

  3. Thank you, Gail.
    I was reminded of this quote from an old Innuit song:
    “I think over again my small adventures, my fears, those small ones that seemed so big, all those vital things I had to get and to reach, and yet there is only one great thing: to live and see the great day that dawns, and the light that fills the world.”

  4. Fear paralyzes; nature frees. I’m always inspired by posts like this and “Just Rest.” You are a deep, multi-talented artist, Gail.


  5. And a beautiful day it is! Good day to celebrate by spring cleaning the patch I’m living on. I am so grateful to be here in the mountains on this continent floating in the ocean held together by the forces of other planets in a small microcosm of planetary possibilities.

  6. What a delight! I am always in awe of your great pictures and your fine editing.

    What do I love about the home planet? The glorious clouds over Boulder and the sheer delight of being on a horse on a day like this. A friend and I had our first practice for a Pas de Deux for the Boulder County Fair with our Friesians. This is a first for both of us. If we just stay on the horses – it will be lovely!

    • Beth, I’m in awe of your equestrian skills and inspired by your love of horses. Happy Earth Day to your Friesans!

  7. Thanks for the great video! What do I love about our planet? Every inch of it! We are so blessed with such beauty and Earth day is an attempt to remind us to preserve what we have. I think I will take my dogs out for a hike now.
    Keep up all your creative work!
    Mary-Ellen Kavanagh

  8. Dear Gail,
    I love the reflection of the Florida moon on the ocean at midnight, I love the sound of the birds in the morning when the Houston sun is just rising, I madly love pugs and other amazing creatures, and I love having you and Porter as friends! BLG

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